- 英语作文our city in future?
- 城市规划的定义是什么?
英语作文our city in future?
our city in future
In 2100, people's lives have improved a lot.
The streets are full of flowing cars, many family planes fly in the sky, and speedboats shuttle on the water.
All the shopping malls, supermarkets and stores in the world have disappeared, replaced by vending machines and large vending machines.
This is the future city. Although this is just my imagination, I believe they will be realized in the near future.
中文名称:城市规划 英文名称:urban planning 定义:研究城市的未来发展、城市的合理布局和管理各项资源、安排城市各项工程建设的综合部署。在中国,城市规划通常包括总体规划和详细规划两个阶段。 城市规划是一门自古就有的学问,每个民族都有其独特的知识组成。 城市规划研究城市的未来发展、城市的合理布局和综合安排城市各项工程建设的综合部署,是一定时期内城市发展的蓝图,是城市管理的重要组成部分,是城市建设和管理的依据,也是城市规划、城市建设、城市运行三个阶段管理的龙头。 希望我的回答能够帮到你